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Joint mission in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2024-08-16Updated:2024-08-16
Similar words: joint commissioncombat missionintermissionchain transmissiontelevision transmissionmissionmission impossibleomission
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1) A joint mission between NASA and the French Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), CALIPSO carries a pulsating laser (lidar) that sends short pulses of light through the atmosphere.
2) Prosecutor's Office and other government joint mission this morning raided seven savings banks and large shareholders residence to investigate the existence of illegal loans and other illegal acts.
3) The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a joint mission between NASA and the European Space Agency scheduled for launch in 2025.
4) A joint mission of the Cambodian Ministries of Health and of Agriculture and of WHO is in Kampot Province,( mission.html) investigating the circumstances surrounding this case.
5) Reported that the joint mission from 10 South Korean Prime Minister Office, Ministry of Justice and Foreign Ministry officials.
6) The joint mission by the ROK side of 14 and 10 U. S. experts.
7) So the focus of the groups' joint mission to Abidjan is the man who stands in Ouattara's way - incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo.
8) Then the joint mission of the South Korean government rushed to Shanghai to conduct field investigations.
9) Reported that the joint mission conducted a survey in Shanghai has made considerable progress can be expected at the end of the scheduled 19 field investigations.
10) This was a clear breach of the understanding on which he had come on a joint mission to the pope.
11) Osama bin Laden was reported to have been killed during a joint mission by U.S. Navy SEALs and CIA agents in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
12) The first woman in space and her cosmonaut lover, caught in the star-crossed orbits of their joint mission.
13) As we all are participants in developing China-EU relations, we have a joint mission and share common responsibility.
14) A team of international experts from WHO are on a joint mission there with the Ministry of Health of China and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.
15) "All pig units must be regarded as being at risk," a recent joint mission of the European Community, FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to Armenia warned.
More similar words: joint commissioncombat missionintermissionchain transmissiontelevision transmissionmissionmission impossibleomissionmissioneremissioncommissionremissionsubmissionadmissionpermissiondemissionreconnaissance missioncommissioneddismissioncommissionermissionaryin commissionreadmissionin remissiondecommissionon commissionthermionic emissionelection commissioncommissioningadmission day
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